Greenland Commodities conducts in partnership with front to back-office functions to ensure that our operations are proper, solid and aligned with the latest regulations in commercial and operational international standards.

To ensure compliance within constantly changing regulatory environment we maintain responsible compliance procedure where all our colleagues from legal departments to trader desk give their best to act immediately and accordingly to the laws and regulations.


Greenland Commodity is also supporting Green through less carbon emission based projects, ideas and technologies while respecting and obeying all legislative act on the purpose of saving our world. We believe that sustainability should be in the heart of our business. To be effective on green future, Greenland Commodities works on Guarantees of Origin, and long term PPA Agreements in renewable energy markets.


From financial to credit risk and from operational to market risk, all risks are integral elements of energy commodity trading. We invest in our IT infrastructure through strategic Energy Trading & Risk Management (ETRM) systems to manage risks exposed in daily trading life. Thus, we ensure our daily trading activities proceed continuously in terms of both physical and financial energy trading.


To maintain trust in our relationships with company stakeholders which are customers, suppliers and other business partners, integrity is a commitment that must guide our behaviors beyond mere compliance with law and regulation that driving us to make the right choice when facing any situations.